Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Morning coming down

Have I mentioned that I'm soooo over being laid up? I just want to be able to swing my legs from the bed and walk (normally) to the bathroom. It's the small things in life one misses! It took FOREVER last night to get my leg wrapped just right. The one incision that is swollen gave me hell and for the life of me I could not get the wrap to lay comfortably against it. Then is was another near sleepless night. I took my medicine and waited...and waited...and waited to fall asleep. It finally happened sometime after 1am.

But I did have a pleasant surprise this morning. Hubby made me blueberry pancakes and served me breakfast in bed. It was very delish! I feel bad he has to do all the things I normally do though. He has three loads of laundry waiting to be done, carpet to vacuum, dishes to be washed, and tile to sweep. But he's trying hard to keep everything up while still working sixty hours a week. Joey is a great help. He stays in the bedroom with me and we play games for hours. I probably would have gone insane by now if not for him.

My men are out to the movies right now. They left me to go see G-Force. I'm so jealous right now! That movie looks so cute and I can't wait for the run down when Joey gets home. I'll let you know how many stars they give it! LOL!

I've emailed my two friends I talk to on the computer, talked to my one friend locally here on the phone, and I'm currently texting my other friend who's off God knows where doing God knows what! They are a small group but I love them and would be beyond depressed without them! If ya'll are reading this...LOVE YOU!

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